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Like A Paradise
Coming Home & HaHa Byul Weddings
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 • 8:15 PM • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum & Hi everyone! Urmm so fresh today! Hihi. I'm so happy cause today i will back to JB! WELCOME HOME JB! AH. Miss JB so much. So badly. Urgh. And hey Haroro (HaHa on RunningMan)
is now officially marry to Byul! Actually diorang kahwin masa MAMA MNET SHOW 2012 tu. Agak lama jugak lah. But aku just baru teringat nak post harini. Haha jahat nya -.- Happy NewlyWeds Haroro And Byul! Long lasting! Semoga cepat dapat anak! Yang comel macam byul dan kelakar macam HaHa. They are too sweet you know. TOO SWEET. Big jealousy to them. So i always pray that you two will long lasting until die! You dont know who is HaHa and Byul? Didnt recognise them? 

Picture of the weddings. Seriously best gila. Siap ada red carpet dah macam mama mnet. So lucky Byul dapat suami funny macam Haha. Dapat gelak selalu. Byul is too cute! 

Their dating. Aww so sweet! Long lasting forever. Jangan keluar RunningMan. RunningMan is bored without all completes. 
All from me. Kemas baju balik Johor! Assalamualaikum. Loves, me xoxo

xoxo, The Shining Star


Hi, im Izzah. Steal anything what u can steal :D I'm Big Freedom wth?

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