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Like A Paradise
I dont have a heart :(
Sunday, December 2, 2012 • 6:42 AM • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum, hows your days? Done Dinner? Alhamdulillah ;) So this is my third post for today. HA HA HA I dont know since when i've been so hardworking ( 24/7 depan laptop weh ) So next year i will moved on and go to SMKTUN. Actually this year aku sekolah Desa Skudai but then because dah terlampau rapat ( le sangat ) dengan form 5 and banyak bad memories dengan diorg, bila aku sekolah situ next year aku akan teringatkan diorang dan sure akan nangis. Lagipun crush aku form 5 so nanti..........k shush shush. Form 5 will leaving me, us and i will leaving Desa Skudai forever. I too much loves them. I dont have a heart to leaves them like that...Its because they are my loves ones forever. Guys, how can i leaves you guys without a tears of cry..............?

My heart and always my bffs <3 From left ; Dini, Akma, Me!, Helen, Apis, Aiman, Romeo, Rozain

Gang RK's and people that always besides me ;) From left ; Akil, Helen, Akma, Farhana, Najihah, Nylea, Aina, Sumayyah, Me!, Irfan, Bilah, Mirah <33

Us again! ( Muka bajet budak pandai ahax )

Akma with his Ex-Crush. Luqman, why did you broke my bestfriends heart? ( tunjuk penumbuk)

Danish Subre! Haha we just friends few weeks ago haha

HEYYA MY LOVES! Nurinn and Syahira <3 Please miss me xD

Fahmi and Caleb. Betul eh Fahmi? haha

Kak Lisa, Kak pika, Kak Amalina/Amanina ( tak hingat ) Kak Nabiha

Aiman ( kepoh ) Rozain, Irfan

I LOVES YOU BABY :* Kak Azra, Kak Fili, Kak mochi <3



She's my bestfriends. I loves her. Farhana, dont be sad again okay my loves?

Yoww we are crazy cute ( perasan gila ) Awesome and always Loves each other. You guys are awesome <3 :)

And here's the last picture. From left ; Nurinn, Nabilah, Syahira, Zarif. I LOVE YOU GUYS AWESOME DAMNNN!
So my heart keeps saying. Izzah do you really have a heart to leaves them like that? My mind keeps on saying, NOPE but my heart its okay Izzah for your future. Guys, i just want you guys to know how much i loves you guys. Loves so much. THIS BIG HUG! I dont have a heart to leave you guys but, i had to. For my own future. For my own sake's. Please pray for my future. I swear with my heart, i never gonna forget you guys. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. SO MUCH SO MUCH x :) And please dont forget me? InsyAllah we will meet again. Loves, me xoxo

xoxo, The Shining Star


Hi, im Izzah. Steal anything what u can steal :D I'm Big Freedom wth?

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