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Monday, December 3, 2012 • 12:04 AM • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and hello and hi and hows your day? Mine is okay and alhamdulillah i can still breathing. So holiday is about to end, ready to school? New class, new year, new school <---THATS ME. So barang sekolah semua dah beli? Oh saya belum, tiada semangat. Ceh padahal semangat ni nak sekolah! Hihi. As you know lah, berjimat cermatlah semasa beli barang sekolah. Kita sekolah nak belajar, bukan nak show off right? So next year, wuu 2013. Its a new year. NEW YEAR, NEW SPIRIT. OK GUYS? For those who had a heart broken for love, just keep calm and have a faith towards the Only One, Allah. He knows everything. Don't give up. Maybe itu satu pengajaran, aye? Who knows? For those their friends leaves thems, come on lah beb! Chill up. You alls can talk to me since i love to hear and solve others problems. Cause i know how they feel being tortoured by their own bestfriends. So dont be sad keep calm ok? Friends always comes and go. But me? I always beside you guys! If you felt no one besides you, remember Allah & Me always beside you. Trust me, and i will not take you down. I dont like people fighting, sulking too much, hating each other. Actually i'm like all of you too. Feel afraid. Tiada keyakinan diri. But, i tried. Tried so hard. Then i can do it! But you know i'm not a perfect person. So of course, i have many weakness. Btw, I will hang out with ma friends and i'll be sure to upload the pics! And on 25th Disember, my lovely senior Shalini Mae Francis and Shamitra Ann Francis invite me to come to their house! For Christmast Lunch. Oww i will come dearest! No doubt. But i think ianya tak melarang islam kan kerana i just come to eat only? Kan? So i will invite Helena and Akma the two of ma bestfriends forever to the lunch since Shalini ask me to invites them too. Wuu i cant wait! Hihi loves, me xoxo

xoxo, The Shining Star


Hi, im Izzah. Steal anything what u can steal :D I'm Big Freedom wth?

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