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Like A Paradise
Coming Home & HaHa Byul Weddings
Tuesday, December 4, 2012 • 8:15 PM • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum & Hi everyone! Urmm so fresh today! Hihi. I'm so happy cause today i will back to JB! WELCOME HOME JB! AH. Miss JB so much. So badly. Urgh. And hey Haroro (HaHa on RunningMan)
is now officially marry to Byul! Actually diorang kahwin masa MAMA MNET SHOW 2012 tu. Agak lama jugak lah. But aku just baru teringat nak post harini. Haha jahat nya -.- Happy NewlyWeds Haroro And Byul! Long lasting! Semoga cepat dapat anak! Yang comel macam byul dan kelakar macam HaHa. They are too sweet you know. TOO SWEET. Big jealousy to them. So i always pray that you two will long lasting until die! You dont know who is HaHa and Byul? Didnt recognise them? 

Picture of the weddings. Seriously best gila. Siap ada red carpet dah macam mama mnet. So lucky Byul dapat suami funny macam Haha. Dapat gelak selalu. Byul is too cute! 

Their dating. Aww so sweet! Long lasting forever. Jangan keluar RunningMan. RunningMan is bored without all completes. 
All from me. Kemas baju balik Johor! Assalamualaikum. Loves, me xoxo

xoxo, The Shining Star
Random Posts
Monday, December 3, 2012 • 12:04 AM • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and hello and hi and hows your day? Mine is okay and alhamdulillah i can still breathing. So holiday is about to end, ready to school? New class, new year, new school <---THATS ME. So barang sekolah semua dah beli? Oh saya belum, tiada semangat. Ceh padahal semangat ni nak sekolah! Hihi. As you know lah, berjimat cermatlah semasa beli barang sekolah. Kita sekolah nak belajar, bukan nak show off right? So next year, wuu 2013. Its a new year. NEW YEAR, NEW SPIRIT. OK GUYS? For those who had a heart broken for love, just keep calm and have a faith towards the Only One, Allah. He knows everything. Don't give up. Maybe itu satu pengajaran, aye? Who knows? For those their friends leaves thems, come on lah beb! Chill up. You alls can talk to me since i love to hear and solve others problems. Cause i know how they feel being tortoured by their own bestfriends. So dont be sad keep calm ok? Friends always comes and go. But me? I always beside you guys! If you felt no one besides you, remember Allah & Me always beside you. Trust me, and i will not take you down. I dont like people fighting, sulking too much, hating each other. Actually i'm like all of you too. Feel afraid. Tiada keyakinan diri. But, i tried. Tried so hard. Then i can do it! But you know i'm not a perfect person. So of course, i have many weakness. Btw, I will hang out with ma friends and i'll be sure to upload the pics! And on 25th Disember, my lovely senior Shalini Mae Francis and Shamitra Ann Francis invite me to come to their house! For Christmast Lunch. Oww i will come dearest! No doubt. But i think ianya tak melarang islam kan kerana i just come to eat only? Kan? So i will invite Helena and Akma the two of ma bestfriends forever to the lunch since Shalini ask me to invites them too. Wuu i cant wait! Hihi loves, me xoxo

xoxo, The Shining Star
I dont have a heart :(
Sunday, December 2, 2012 • 6:42 AM • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum, hows your days? Done Dinner? Alhamdulillah ;) So this is my third post for today. HA HA HA I dont know since when i've been so hardworking ( 24/7 depan laptop weh ) So next year i will moved on and go to SMKTUN. Actually this year aku sekolah Desa Skudai but then because dah terlampau rapat ( le sangat ) dengan form 5 and banyak bad memories dengan diorg, bila aku sekolah situ next year aku akan teringatkan diorang dan sure akan nangis. Lagipun crush aku form 5 so nanti..........k shush shush. Form 5 will leaving me, us and i will leaving Desa Skudai forever. I too much loves them. I dont have a heart to leaves them like that...Its because they are my loves ones forever. Guys, how can i leaves you guys without a tears of cry..............?

My heart and always my bffs <3 From left ; Dini, Akma, Me!, Helen, Apis, Aiman, Romeo, Rozain

Gang RK's and people that always besides me ;) From left ; Akil, Helen, Akma, Farhana, Najihah, Nylea, Aina, Sumayyah, Me!, Irfan, Bilah, Mirah <33

Us again! ( Muka bajet budak pandai ahax )

Akma with his Ex-Crush. Luqman, why did you broke my bestfriends heart? ( tunjuk penumbuk)

Danish Subre! Haha we just friends few weeks ago haha

HEYYA MY LOVES! Nurinn and Syahira <3 Please miss me xD

Fahmi and Caleb. Betul eh Fahmi? haha

Kak Lisa, Kak pika, Kak Amalina/Amanina ( tak hingat ) Kak Nabiha

Aiman ( kepoh ) Rozain, Irfan

I LOVES YOU BABY :* Kak Azra, Kak Fili, Kak mochi <3



She's my bestfriends. I loves her. Farhana, dont be sad again okay my loves?

Yoww we are crazy cute ( perasan gila ) Awesome and always Loves each other. You guys are awesome <3 :)

And here's the last picture. From left ; Nurinn, Nabilah, Syahira, Zarif. I LOVE YOU GUYS AWESOME DAMNNN!
So my heart keeps saying. Izzah do you really have a heart to leaves them like that? My mind keeps on saying, NOPE but my heart its okay Izzah for your future. Guys, i just want you guys to know how much i loves you guys. Loves so much. THIS BIG HUG! I dont have a heart to leave you guys but, i had to. For my own future. For my own sake's. Please pray for my future. I swear with my heart, i never gonna forget you guys. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. SO MUCH SO MUCH x :) And please dont forget me? InsyAllah we will meet again. Loves, me xoxo

xoxo, The Shining Star
What is FRIENDS?
• 3:25 AM • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum, and hows your day? Alhamdulillah, my day is so good and went nicely. Today, i wanna tell you alls what is the meaning FRIENDS. I ensure, you alls have a friends. Bestfriends? Friends Only? Friendzone?

See the pictures above? Thats the qoutes about the true best friends, true friends. Friends is the one who always loves you no mather how many people hates you, the one who always calms yourself when you feel stress, the one who always hug you when you cry, the one who always says i loves you throught the end of the conversation. I've so many friends. Know what so many! 

I want to add many more, but i dont know where all the pictures gones :/ Last year 2011, i was school at Sekolah Rendah Islam Hidayah. At there, they thought me many things about islam, pergaulan and all. This year i school at SMK Taman Desa Skudai. At that school, i've learn so many things about friendship. And insyAllah next year i will school at SMK Taman Universiti to more focus on my studies. Pray for me always, loves you alls, xoxo

xoxo, The Shining Star
First post
• 1:50 AM • 0 comments

Assalamualaikum and hey you guys! Hows your day? Is it okay or not? I hope its okay, amin. This is my first post. Ha ha ha like yeah i have many BLOG. But i forgot all password and its end up like terbengkalai. So sad my story rite? I bet, no. Lets split it out all about myself! Yeah baby rock baby rock xx I loves to reading, surfing, tweeting! Omagash im really addicted to TWITTER! So do follow me if YOU WANT, no forces baby. I always easy to loves someone. SOMEONE you know? Like i know him/her for a while then i will start to LOVE them so much. I'm paranoid girl and i dont like it. I wanna get rid of this behaviour but i just cant! Hahahahha pardon me. And oh yes, i have many friends! MANY FRIENDS! But not all my friends likes me. Its always happens. Shit happens in my life. I love to party! Not NIGHT CLUB PARTY, But party like suka suka? I'm not really alim and not a freehair girl. Imma #TeamHijab! Eh girl, this is not TWITTER okay you wanna put hashtag or blablabla. So i think i had enough. Wait for my new post! Loves you all, xoxo

xoxo, The Shining Star


Hi, im Izzah. Steal anything what u can steal :D I'm Big Freedom wth?

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